How Can Individuals With Disabilities Prepare For Emergencies?
People with disabilities might need extra help getting through an emergency. Here is what you need to know about helping them prepare.
How Can Individuals With Disabilities Prepare For Emergencies?
People with disabilities might need extra help getting through an emergency. Here is what you need to know about helping them prepare.
How Much Water Does The Average Human Need Per Day to Survive?
It’s common knowledge that we can live much longer without food than we can without water. Our bodies are at least two-thirds water.
Is All Emergency Food Storage The Same Thing in Different Packaging?
The simple answer is no. Not all emergency food storage is created equal. In most cases, you get what you pay for.
Technically speaking, when drinking water is stored in properly sanitized, airtight containers it should have an indefinite shelf life.
This is probably one of the coolest things I have seen in a long time. Check out how Grant Thompson starts a fire with a fire piston.
Starting a fire can be difficult without the right materials. Tinder helps, but having some homemade char cloth is a game changer.